Top 25 Jack Ma Quotes about Business, Job, Insurance & Life

(Ma Yun) Alibaba Jack Ma Famous Inspirational & Motivational Quotes about Business, Job, Life, Success & Sales, in Urdu & Hindi

The loser always thinks of the fear of the end and the
winner always thinks of the reward of the end. Friends, today we will learn
about the life of Jack Ma, the founder of and the richest man in
China. He is considered one of the most successful businessman in the world and
his total wealth is estimated at 20 million. He did not achieve this easily. If
you know their efforts and failures, you will surely think once and for all how
a man can think of moving forward after so many failures. He was born on
September 10, 1964, in a small village in China. His real name is Ma Yun.

Ma Yun started learning English when he was just thirteen
years old. Very few people in his country did that at that time. Because the
national language of his country was Chinese and English was not considered
important. He did not enroll in any English school to learn English, but he
became a tourist guide and during the tour, he would learn English from them
and then try to speak to them in English. Friends, he did this for almost nine
years. Due to this, he knew a lot of English. 


While guiding the tourist, they became a close friend on a
tour. The same friend who wrote him the letter called him Jack Ma. Because it
was very difficult to read and write names in Chinese. And then from that
moment on people started calling him Jack Ma. He didn’t like reading much.
That’s why he failed twice in the fourth grade and three times in the eighth
grade. Somehow, he passed these classes and then failed five times in
graduation. He then enrolled in an institute whose progress was considered very
poor. From where Jack Ma graduated in English in 1988. There are many failures
behind their success. After graduating, he applied for a job in 30 different
places. But every time they were rejected. At the same time, he once went to
the KFC for a job. This was the first time that KFC came to China. Twenty-four
people applied for the job. Out of which 23 people were selected but they were rejected.
Due to his good English from the beginning, he later got a job as a lecturer in
a college. After that, he also worked as a translator for some time.

In the beginning, he went to America to meet his friend.
Where he first saw the Internet. He had never used the internet before. When
they first used the internet, they searched for beer. Where they saw
information coming from different countries. But he was surprised to see that
his country name was nowhere to be found. He then searched for another Chinese
product, but there was no information on the Internet about the Chinese
product. Now he saw a good future on the internet and then he decided to do
something on the internet. He did a little more research and with his friend
created a website called China Yellow Page to connect the small and big
products of his country. Although his friend’s concept was good, they did not
get funding for the work in his country, so they had to shut down the site.

After so many failures, there is hardly anyone who would
still think of doing such a thing. But Ma Yun, learning from his old mistakes,
once again teamed up with his wife and twenty people to create a new website
with the same concept in mind, which he named Even after making
it, he faced some difficulties in the beginning but then he signed a big
contract with a soft bank and after that, the company did not look back. And
then there’s eBay, the world’s largest company, out of China over the next four

Ma Yun is one of the richest men in the world today. His
total wealth is more than twenty million dollars. has more business
than Facebook at the moment. And their company earns more than eBay and Amazon

We should not be afraid of failures. Rather, we should learn
from them while fighting them wisely. Because time is not always the same. If
there are still shadows of sorrow in your life, then very soon the rays of your
success will enlighten your life. Don’t be sad about failure. Failure gives you
the opportunity to do it again in a good way. Check out some of Jack Ma’s tips
below, and click on this link Top 25 Jack Ma Quotes about Business, Job, Insurance
& Life
to learn more about his advice’s.



“اگر آپ اپنی پینتیس سال کی عمر میں غریب ہیں تو آپ اس کے مستحق ہیں!”


you are poor at the age of thirty-five, you deserve it!”


“यदि आप पैंतीस साल की उम्र में गरीब हैं, तो आप इसके लायक हैं!”




“کاروبار ہو یا زندگی دوسروں کو کبھی دھوکہ نہ دیں۔ ١٩٩٥میں مجھے چار
کمپنیوں نے دھوکہ دیا تھا جو اب بند ہیں۔ کوئی کمپنی دھوکہ دہی سے آگے نہیں بڑھ


deceive others, be it business or life. 1995
I was deceived by four companies that are now closed. No company can go beyond


“व्यवसाय हो या जीवन, कभी भी दूसरों को धोखा दें। Companies मुझे चार कंपनियों द्वारा धोखा दिया गया था जो अब बंद हो गई हैं। कोई भी कंपनी धोखाधड़ी से परे नहीं जा सकती है!”


“無論是生意還是生活,都不要欺騙別人。 1995我被四家現已倒閉的公司所欺騙。 沒有公司可以超越欺詐!”



“اگر آپ ہار نہیں مانتےتو، آپ کے پاس اب بھی موقع ہے۔ ہار ماننا سب سے
بڑی ناکامی ہے!”


you don’t give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the biggest failure!”


“यदि आप हार नहीं मानते हैं, तो आपके पास अभी भी एक मौका है। देना सबसे बड़ी विफलता है!”


“如果您不放棄,您仍然有機會。 放棄是最大的失敗!”


کسی کو بھی مجھ پے یقین نہیں تھا۔ آج میں علی بابا ڈاٹ کام کا
مالک ہوں!


“No one believed me. Today I own!”


कोई भी मुझ पर विश्वास नहीं करता था। आज मैं अपने खुद के बीच है!”




اگر آپ کے سامنے نو خرگوش ہوں اور آپ کسی ایک کو پکڑنا چاہتے
ہو تو صرف ایک پر دھیان دو!


“If you have nine rabbits in front of you and you want to
catch one, just look at one!”


यदि आपके सामने नौ खरगोश हैं और आप एक को पकड़ना चाहते हैं, तो बस एक को देखो!”




“!بڑا سوچو یا گھر جائو۔ بصورت دیگر، آپ اپنی جوانی کو ضائع کر
رہے ہیں


“Think big or go home. Otherwise, you’re wasting your


बड़ा सोचो या घर जाओ। नहीं तो, तुम अपनी जवानी बर्बाद कर रहे हो!”




“!میں نہیں چاہتا کہ مجھے کوئی پسند کرے۔ میں چاہتا ہوں کہ ہر
کوئی میری عزت کرے


“I don’t want anyone to like me. I want everyone to respect


मैं नहीं चाहता कि कोई मुझे पसंद करे। मैं चाहता हूं कि हर कोई मेरा सम्मान करे!”




“!میں اپنے آپکو ایک اندھے شیر پر
سوار ایک نابینا شخص سمجھتا ہوں


“I consider myself a blind man riding a blind lion!”


मैं अपने आप को एक अंधा आदमी मानता हूँ जो एक अंधे शेर की सवारी करता है!”




جب آپ کا کاروبار چھوٹا ہو تو آپ کو بہت زیادہ توجہ اپنی طاقت
پر نہیں بلکہ اپنے دماغ پر لگانی ہوگی!


“When your business is small, you have to focus on your
mind, not your strength!”


जब आपका व्यवसाय छोटा है, तो आपको अपने दिमाग पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना होगा, कि अपनी ताकत पर!”




“جب میں بارہ سال کا تھا تو مجھےانگریزی سیکھنے میں دلچسپی تھی۔
کسی چیز کو سیکھنے کیلئے آپ کا اس چیز میں دلچسپی لینا بہت ضروری ہے!”


“I was interested in learning English when I was 12 years
old. It’s very important for you to be interested in learning something!”


जब मैं बारह वर्ष का था, तब मुझे अंग्रेजी सीखने में दिलचस्पी थी। कुछ सीखने के लिए आपकी रुचि होना बहुत जरूरी है!”




“!صحیح لوگوں کو تلاش کریں، بہترین لوگوں کو نہیں


“Find the right people, not the best people!”


सही लोग ढूंढें, सबसे अच्छे लोग नहीं!”




اگر آپ نے کبھی کوشش نہیں کی تو، آپ کو کیسے معلوم ہوگا کہ یہاں
پر کوئی موقع ہے؟


“If you’ve never tried, how do you know there’s a chance


यदि आपने कभी कोशिश नहीं की है, तो आप कैसे जानते हैं कि यहां एक मौका है?”




“صرف بیوقوف بولنے کیلئے منہ کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ ہوشیار آدمی
اپنا دماغ استعمال کرتا ہے۔ اور عقلمند آدمی دل کا استعمال کرتا ہے!”


“Only fools use their mouths to speak. The wise man uses
his brain. And the wise man uses his heart!”


केवल मूर्ख लोग बोलने के लिए अपने मुंह का उपयोग करते हैं। बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति अपने मस्तिष्क का उपयोग करता है। और बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति अपने दिल का उपयोग करता है!”




“!کبھی ہمت نہ ہارو آج کا دن سخت ہے، کل بدتر ہوگا، لیکن پرسوں
بہترین ہوگا


“Never give up. Today is a tough day, tomorrow will be
worse, but the day after tomorrow will be better!”


कभी हार मत मानो। आज एक कठिन दिन है, कल और भी बुरा होगा, लेकिन परसों बेहतर होगा।




“!جب ہمارے پاس پیسہ ہوتا ہے، تو ہم غلطیاں کرنا شروع کر دیتے ہیں


“When we have money, we start making mistakes!”


जब हमारे पास पैसा होता है, तो हम गलतियाँ करना शुरू कर देते हैं!”




“!اگر آپ کچھ کرتے ہی نہیں تو، کچھ بھی ممکن نہیں ہے


“If you don’t do anything, nothing is possible!”


यदि आप कुछ नहीं करते हैं, तो कुछ भी संभव नहीं है!”




“!آپ میں جو سب سے اہم چیز ہونی چاہیے وہ صبر ہے


“The most important thing you should have is


आपके पास सबसे महत्वपूर्ण चीज धैर्य होना चाहिए!”




“!اپنے مد مقابل سے سیکھئے، مگر اُس کی نقل کبھی مت کریں۔ نقل کی
تو آپ گئے


“Learn from your opponent, but never copy him. If you copy,
you’re gone!”


अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वी से सीखें, लेकिन उसे कभी भी कॉपी करें। यदि आप कॉपी करते हैं, तो आप चले गए हैं!”




“!زندگی مختصر ہے، حیسن ہے۔ اپنے کام پر بہت زیادہ دھیان بھی مت
دیجئے۔ زندگی سے لطف اندوز ہوں


“Life is short, it’s beautiful. Don’t pay too much
attention to your work. Enjoy life!”


जीवन छोटा है, यह सुंदर है। अपने काम पर बहुत ध्यान दें। जीवन का आनंद लें!”




“!اگر ہم سب مل کر ایک اچھی ٹیم کی طرح کام کریں، تو ہم میں سے ایک
بھی اُن کے مخالف ٹیم کے دس کے برابر ہوگا


“If we all work together like a good team, one of us will
be equal to ten of their opponents!”


अगर हम सभी एक अच्छी टीम की तरह एक साथ काम करते हैं, तो हम में से एक उनके दस विरोधियों के बराबर होगा!”





میں نہیں چاہوں گا کہ لوگوں کی جیبیں
گہری اور دماغ خالی ہوں!


“I don’t want people’s pockets to be deep and their minds


मैं नहीं चाहता कि लोगों की जेब गहरी हो और उनके दिमाग खाली हों!”




“!مقابلہ ہمیشہ جدت، اور خدمات کے بل
بوتے پر کیا جانا چاہیے، قیمتوں کی بنیاد پر کبھی مقابلہ مت کریں


“Competition should always be based on innovation and
services, never compete on the basis of prices!”


प्रतिस्पर्धा हमेशा नवाचार और सेवाओं पर आधारित होनी चाहिए, कभी भी कीमतों के आधार पर प्रतिस्पर्धा करें!”




“!بیس سال کا منصوبہ، دو سال میں کبھی مکمل نہیں کرنا چاہیے


“Twenty-year plan, should never be completed in two


बीस वर्षीय योजना, दो साल में कभी पूरी नहीं होनी चाहिए!”



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