Thomas Jefferson Quote On Government Control in Hindi | Trust Quotes in Urdu

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Thomas Jefferson Quote On Government Control in Hindi | Trust Quotes
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Jefferson Quotes On Government

Thomas Jefferson Quotes on Government Power

“!انسان پر اتنا بھی اعتبار نہیں کیا جاسکتا کہ اُس کو خود اپنے آپ پر حکومت
کا اختیار دے دیا جائے


Thomas Jefferson Quotes on Government Tyranny

“Man cannot be
trusted enough to be given the power to govern himself!”


Thomas Jefferson Quotes on Education

मनुष्य को इतना भरोसा नहीं दिया जा सकता है कि उसे खुद पर शासन करने की शक्ति दी जाए!”

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