Inspiring Mahatma Gandhi Quotes In Hindi | Inspirational Quotes | Success Quotes | Laughter Quotes

Inspiring Mahatma Gandhi Quotes In Hindi | Inspirational Quotes | Success Quotes | Laughter Quotes
Slogan On Gandhiji, About Mahatma Gandhi In Tamil, Slogan On Mahatma Gandhi
Famous Quotes Of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi Quotes in Hindi

“پہلے وہ آپ کی طرف توجہ نہیں دیں گے، پھر وہ آپ پر ہنسیں گے،

 پھر وہ آپ کیساتھ
لڑیں گے، اور پھر آپ جیت جائیں گے!”


Mahatma Gandhi In Tamil

पहले वे आप पर ध्यान नहीं देंगे, फिर वे आप पर हँसेंगे,  

फिर वे आपसे लड़ेंगे, और फिर आप जीत जाएँगे!”


Quotation About Mahatma Gandhi

“First, they won’t pay attention to you, then they will laugh
at you, 

then they will fight you, and then you will win!”

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